Gormley, Beatrice.
Grand Rapids, MI : Eerdmans
Books for Young Readers, 2002.
IL 5-8
ISBN 0802852165
longed to do things and go places that she knew she never could. Life for
a young girl in the 9th century B.C. offered little choice for girls. They
would be married off to a man chosen by the family. But Adara longed to
learn to read and write and to travel. One day, a battle raged outside
the walls of her city. It made little difference to the people of Ramoth-Gilead
whether the armies of Israel won or the armies of Damascus won. They would
welcome the victors, offer tributes and hope the army would leave them
in peace. Adara longed to watch the battle so she snuck out through a tunnel
to watch. Unfortunately, she is noticed by a soldier and taken as a slave.
During the long walk to Damascus, she pleads with the soldier to send word
to her father to no avail. Now, instead of life as the daughter of a prosperous
farmer, she is facing life as a slave in a strange city. What will become
of her? |
Slaves -- Fiction.
Naaman, the Syrian -- Fiction.
Elisha (Biblical prophet) -- Fiction.
Bible -- History of Biblical events -- Fiction.
Syria -- History -- To 333 B.C. -- Fiction. |
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