Goobie, Beth.
Custer, WA : Orca Book Publishers,
ISBN 1551432382
senior students in jeans and rugby shirts, sprawled across an old couch
and several armchairs, and laughing over cans of Pepsi and cafeteria lunch
trays ... they could have been a group of popular students from any public
high school." But they were far from that. They were the members
of the Shadow Council. They ran the school. Oh, the teachers
and the administration may disagree with that, but the 1,500 students at
the school would tell you that the Shadow ruled. Each year, the Shadow
Council performed a ritual that has been performed for so long that no
one knows when it started. They choose one student through a lottery.
The lottery winner is the official dud of the school for the year.
The unlucky winner would be shunned, isolated and forced to do the bidding
of the Council. This year, Sally Hanson is the victim. Sally
is an average 10th grader whose life is about to change. Just what
is involved? Find out in The Lottery. |
Popularity -- Fiction.
High schools -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction. |
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