Patricia Reilly.
New York : Wendy Lamb Books,
IL 5-8
ISBN 0385900961
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World War II rages in Europe, it is up to those left behind to do all they
can to support the war effort. For 11-year-old Meggie Dillon, that
means moving away from her home in Rockaway. Her father has gotten
a job in Willow Creek, Michigan working in a factory that makes bombers.
Not only does Meggie have to leave her home and friends, but her beloved
Grandfather is not going to move with them. Life in Willow Run consists
of living in a nondescript apartment with paper thing walls. But
Meggie does meet several children and shares adventures and the uncertainty
of life during the war. |
Courage -- Fiction.
Willow Run (Mich.) -- History -- 20th century -- Fiction.
World War, 1939-1945 -- United States -- Fiction. |
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