Nancy Keane's Booktalks -- Quick and Simple

Friend, Natasha.
New York : Milkweed Editions, 2004
IL 5-8, RL 5.1
ISBN 1571316523
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Her mother discovers her secret and Isabelle is sent to group therapy. Among the girls in her group is Ashley Barnum. Ashley is considered ‘the most perfect girl in school’. Despite their seeming differences they develop a friendship and as they do, Isabelle gets more and more peeks into just how Ashley manages to keep herself so "perfect", The balance begins to shift and Isabelle begins to believe in her own strength and to try to help Ashley who is so fragile inside. Like Cut, by Patricia McCormick, this is a story of healing and self-discovery, and like Define Normal, by Julie Ann Peters this is a story about the illusion of appearance and an unlikely friendship. As such it is a book that many girls are drawn to and then tell their friends to read.    (New Hampshire Isinglass Teen Read Award committee)
SUBJECTS:    Grief -- Fiction.
                        Death -- Fiction.
                        Fathers and daughters -- Fiction.
                        Sisters -- Fiction.
                        Bulimia -- Fiction.
                        Eating disorders -- Fiction.
                        Friendship -- Fiction.

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