Flinn, Alexandra.
New York : HarperTempest,
ISBN 006623848X
Why did his parents have to get a divorce? Why did his mother move
them to this city? Why did they have to live in poverty? Why
did his father not return his phone calls? Why did his mother insist
on him going to this private school? Why were the kids so mean?
What did he do to deserve the horrible treatment he was getting?
How can he get them to stop? Why did Charlie seem to want to be his
friend? Why did he want to please Charlie? What hold did Charlie
have over everyone? And how far was Paul willing to go to keep Charlie's
friendship? Steal? Lie? Or, maybe even kill? |
Teenage boys -- Fiction.
Social classes -- Fiction.
Friendship -- Fiction.
High schools -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction.
Miami (Fla.) -- Fiction. |
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