Fisk, Pauline.
New York : Bloomsbury, 2002.
IL 5-8, RL 6.2
ISBN 1582347549
body floated down the river. Under bridges. Past parks.
No one noticed it. Mile after mile it floated. When the river
began to become rough, the body began to move. It wasn't a dead body
after all. It was a young girl and she was alive. She struggled
against the river and finally managed to get to shore. Remarkably,
she was still alive. But she had no memory of where she had come
from and how she came to be in the water. Taken in by a kind family,
all she knew was that her name was Abren. And she knew she couldn't
stay. She ran. What is her story? Who is she and where
did she come from? And why was she in the river? |
Identity -- Fiction.
Amnesia -- Fiction.
England -- Fiction. |
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