New York : Simon & Schuster
Books for Young Readers, 2002.
IL K-3, RL 4.9
ISBN 0689835663
Click on the book to read Amazon reviews
Elmer likes to bake cakes,
produce puppet shows, paint pictures and play make believe. He does not
like to play baseball, box, build forts or play football. The other boy
ducklings tease him and call him sissy. They even chase him and try to
beat him up. Elmer decides it’s time to leave home when even his father
begins calling him a sissy. Find out how Elmer copes on his own and teaches
others that sometimes even a sissy can become a hero. (Jean B. Bellavance
for Pennsylvania
Young Reader's Choice Awards, 2004-2005) |
Ducks -- Fiction.
Self-esteem -- Fiction.
Sex role -- Fiction. |
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