Ferris, Jean
New York : Farrar Straus Giroux,
ISBN 0374355800
growing up in a family where no one else could where no one else could
hear you. This was Theo's life, had been for seventeen years.
Both of his parents were deaf as well as his younger brother. It's not
that they didn't communicate, the whole family used the American sign language.
Theo's mother, was a very demanding, famous sculptor and depended on Theo
for talking to galleries, getting itineraries confirmed, and a whole lot
more than any high school student should be asked to do with full time
studies. His mother would think nothing of making him miss a day of school
or more if she had an important opening coming up. Theo thought his dream
of attending MIT was just that, only a dream. When he met Ivy, everything
changed. She was the first person that convinced him that he did deserve
a life of his own, that he is of "sound mind" and it was ok to move on.
He was convinced until the day of the tragic event, an event that
altered his entire family's life. Would he now have to throw his dreams
away? OF SOUND MIND BY JEAN FERRIS (Sharon Macdonald, Director
of Youth Services, Rye Public Library, Rye, NH, |
Deaf -- Fiction.
People with disabilities -- Fiction.
American sign language -- Fiction.
Family problems -- Fiction.
Friendship -- Fiction. |
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