Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow,
IL K-3, RL 2.3
ISBN 076602296X
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you ever heard of Cesar Chavez? He lived long before you were born.
Cesar grew up on a farm in the southwest. When his family lost their
farm because of a drought, Cesar became a migrant worker. His family
moved from farm to farm picking crops. They made very little money
and the job was back breaking. When he was grown up, Cesar thought
that if he could unite the migrant workers into a union, their lives may
be better. One of the things he did to help the workers was ask the
people in the country to boycott grapes. Boycott means to stop buying
them. By boycotting grapes, the workers could force the farm owners
to listen to them. Even though Cesar Chavez is gone, there are many
people who own him much gratitude. |
Chavez, Cesar, 1927-
Labor leaders.
Migrant labor.
United Farm Workers.
Mexican Americans -- Biography. |
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