Fama, Elizabeth.
Chicago : Cricket, 2002.
ISBN 0812626524
Emily and has had it with her family. Her do-good physician parents
have dragged her to hot, insufferable Sumatra. Emily never sees them
unless she goes to the hospital and then she becomes their slave.
After a young patient dies and Emily believes she is the reason for the
death because her father didn't get the page from the hospital, she gets
on a ferry to meet up with her sympathetic uncle on a nearby island.
When the aging, overcrowded boat sinks she finds herself in the ocean miles
from shore without a life vest. Her harrowing ordeal is gritty and
gripping; you feel her exhaustion, feel the salt drying on her lips and
eyelashes. You pray for her survival as well as for the young boy
she finds floating alone. Who really has the inner strength here
to keep them alive? Emily, with her ability to swim distances thanks
to training in the States, or Isman, whose Islamic faith is unshakable.
To the last page of Overboard by Elizabeth Fama you'll be hooked,
even more so because Emily's story is real. (New
Hampshire Great Stone Face Committee) |
Survival -- Fiction.
Shipwrecks -- Fiction.
Muslims -- Fiction.
Sumatra (Indonesia) -- Fiction. |
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