Duey, Kathleen
EVIE PEACH, St. Louis, 1857
New York : Aladdin, 1997
IL 5-8
ISBN 0689816219
and her father were emacipated by their dying owner nearly two years ago.
With hard work and luck, they have saved up the last of the money they
need to "buy out" Evie's mother. With freedom and a real family life almost
within reach, the explosive atmosphere of pre-war St. Louis erupts. Neighbor
boys with a grudge to settle steal Evie's family's papers and cry "runaway!".
This is a familiar situation in St. Louis--a ferry-ride away from Illinois
free soil--and Evies' parents are marched to Lynch's slave pens. Can Evie
save her parents from being sold south? Can she prove their freedmen status
and save their dreams?
(Kathleen Duey, author. |
African Americans -- Fiction
Slavery -- Fiction |
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