Orlando : Harcourt, 2006
ISBN 0152054774
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living during a time when you had no control over your destiny simply because
you were born female. Life in Rome during the 1600s was not easy
for women. And young Angelica is not happy with what her future holds.
For one thing, Angelica loves to sing and she has a beautiful voice.
But the Pope has forbidden women from singing in public. That doesn't
stop Angelica from dreaming though. And her social climbing mother
is looking for a suitable marriage for her. That also doesn't stop
Angelica from longing for the poor French painter. Angelica decides
to seek refuge in the court of Queen Christina. The Queen has abdicated
her throne in Sweden and moved to Rome. She does not believe that
women should not sing in public. Angelica believes that this will
be an ideal solution to her problems. But freedom always comes with
a price. |
Voglia, Angelica, ca. 1670- -- Fiction.
Christina, Queen of Sweden, 1626-1689 -- Fiction.
Kings, queens, rulers, etc. -- Fiction.
Sopranos (Singers) -- Fiction.
Singers -- Fiction.
Sex role -- Fiction. |