York : Dell, 1990
0440207665 |
Adamson has been involved in a major accident. Her chances for survival
are slim. But, she has a chance to make history. Her father
has been experimenting with transplants. When Eva wakes up after
the accident, she is in for a shock. Her brain has been transplanted
into the body of a chimpanzee. Needless to say, she goes through
a tough adjustment period. With the help and support of her family,
she is able to accept her fate. The operation has been financed by
a news organization and a fruit juice company. Eva finds that she
is now obligated to appear on the news programs and do commercials for
the fruit juice company. As time goes on, Eva finds that she is more
at ease with chimpanzees than humans. Can this have something to
do with the transplant? Is she now more chimp than human? And
what can she do about it? After all, she is obligated to work for
the companies. Join Eva and she tries to find a life after transplant. |
Animals -- Treatment -- Fiction
Chimpanzees -- Fiction |
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