Davis, Ossie.
New York : Simon & Schuster, 1992.
IL YA RL 5.7 .
ISBN 0140370951
in their Alabama town is about to change. Fourteen year old Isaac Stone
is put in charge of planning a church trip to hear Martin Luther King,
Jr. speak in Washington, D.C. Isaac is a true believer of Dr. King's and
tries to be a role model of non-violent behavior for others. Even when
the other kids make fun of Isaac because of his beliefs, he stays true
to his feelings. When Dr. King comes to the town to speak, the Isaac's
family and friends are so overcome by his words that they begin to believe
that their is hope that racism could be eliminated. Will Isaac's father
give up his gun and his racism? |
Civil rights movements -- Fiction
African Americans -- Fiction
United States -- History -- 1961-1969 -- Fiction |
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