Davies, Jacqueline.
New York : M. Cavendish, 2002.
IL 3-6, RL 4.2
ISBN 0761451056
My name is Hazel. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I'm twelve years old and brilliant, like my Dad. I hate kids knowing
it, though. I used to live in a perfect house back east in Montclair.
It was all brick with a porch and beautiful white curtains and an elm tree
perfect for climbing. Because of Dad's job (he's a physicist), all
of a sudden we're someplace outside Santa Fe called "The Hill". Let
me tell you about "The Hill". "The Hill" is surrounded by a chain-link
fence with barbed wire on top. There are armed guards at the gate,
called MP's. You need a pass to get in and get out. There are
rows and rows of UGLY houses as far as you can see, and the walls are so
thin you can hear more than you should. Oh, I forgot to tell you
about the mud -- thick, ugly, mucky, oozing mud, the color of rust.
YUCK! Sometimes my friend Eleanor and I pretend that the MP's are
the enemy. We pretend that they are Nazi's or Japanese, or Italian
Fascists. We dig holes under the fence and drive the MP's crazy!!!!
You see, it's 1944, and we are at war with the Germans, the Japanese and
the Italian Fascists. Of course, Eleanor and I are always spies.
The worst thing about living here is the secrets. The longer I live
here, the more secrets there seems to be. It's like this: Dads know
everything, Moms know something, and kids know nothing. But I've
got my own list of secrets. I'm a spy you know. If you want
to find out how all these secrets get revealed, read Where the Ground
Meets the Sky by Jacqueline Davies. (New
Hampshire Great Stone Face Committee) |
Interpersonal relations -- Fiction.
Manhattan Project (U.S.) -- Fiction.
Atomic bomb -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction.
Scientists -- Fiction.
World War, 1939-1945 -- United States -- Fiction.
Los Alamos (N.M.) -- Fiction.
Historical fiction. |
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