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Daneman, Meredith
New York : Delacorte, 1989.
IL 5-8
ISBN 0440209226
As I was reading this book, I was impressed with how well Francie handled a difficult situation. In the story, she puts up with a lot of inconveniences because she wants to be in a play. She auditions for a part in a play being put on at the boys' school and does a great job convincing her parents she can juggle the additional burden to her schedule. I admired her ability to know her audience (her parents) as she went about persuading them she could handle school work, get to rehearsals and coordinate rides back to her neighborhood. She projected a self-confident air to her parents even though inside, she wasn't all that sure she had what it took to do justice to the play. In this book, I saw Francie gain enough self-confidence to handle the injustice that the play handed her. I appreciated the author showing Francie thinking as well as Francie doing. I found it interesting to notice how she leap-frogged through her decisions. Sometimes she was ready to act without thinking. Sometimes she had to think through a long time before she would finally act on her idea. The author gave me a chance to get inside Francie's head and witness her feeling good about herself and decisions.


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