Maurine F.
New York : Farrar, Straus,
Giroux, 2004
IL 3-6, RL 8.1
ISBN 0374309590
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World War II, the country of Germany was divided up and ruled by four different
countries. The Soviet Union took control of East Germany and the
United States, Great Britain and France took control of West Germany.
The country of West Germany prospered while the country of East Germany
became poorer. The Soviets dreamed of creating the perfect socialist
society in East Germany but it did not happen. For the first few
years, people were allowed to cross between the two countries with little
problem. But in 1961, the East German government decided to close
the border and not allow any more crossings. For Heidi and her family,
this posed a very big problem. Her father had been working in West
Berlin for many years and loved his job. But now he was being told
that he could no longer work in the west. When the family decides
to escape to West Berlin, they must be very secretive about their plans.
But the crossing is going to be a lot harder than they thought. |
Berlin (Germany) -- History -- 1945-1990 -- Fiction.
Cold War -- Fiction.
Historical fiction. |
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