Copeland, Cynthia L.
Brookfield, CT : Millbrook
Press, 2003.
IL 5.8, RL 7.4
ISBN 0561325220
life suits her just fine. She's lived all her life on the island
with her adoptive parents. At 13, Elin can never imagine any other
life but that on the island tending the lighthouse. She and her father
go to the mainland occasionally but they never stay. One night, Elin
and her father rescue two boys who were very close to drowning. Dan
is just a bit older than Elin and is fascinated with life on the island.
When Elin's mother falls ill, Elin is left on her own to tend the lighthouse.
When she hears the sound of someone approaching in the middle of the night,
all she can think about are the newspaper stories of Nazis and U boats
and the threat of war coming to America. Could she be hearing the
sound of the Germans approaching? What can one young girl do? |
Lighthouse keepers -- Fiction.
Islands -- Fiction.
Rescue work -- Fiction.
World War, 1939-1945 -- Maine -- Fiction.
Interpersonal relations -- Fiction.
Maine -- History -- 20th century -- Fiction. |
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