Christopher, John.
New York : Simon & Schuster
Books for Young Readers, 1967.
IL 5-8, RL 6.8
ISBN 0027183602
Step forward in time, to a year in which items we take for granted today
are rare and treasured artifacts. An ordinary wristwatch is admired
by three villages for its rarity, and three boys marvel at a car that could
move without horses.
The White Mountains
is a science fiction novel about three boys' quest for freedom. A
mysterious race of robots, known as tripods, have taken over Earth and
suppressed human history and individuality. No one knows what they
are or where they come from, but they are undoubtedly the new rulers of
Earth. These tripods "cap" humans when they are twelve. The
capping ritual is viewed as a rite of passage into adulthood, but in actuality
the caps control humans by suppressing curiosity and individuality.
One boy discovers the truth, and sets out on a quest for freedom.
Two other boys join him on his journey to the White Mountains, where they
hope find the rebel humans who are working to overcome the tripods.
Excerpt page 199-200
This excerpt
comes after the boys have had a major victory over the Tripods, who they
had believed to be invincible. But one victory does not win a war.
I looked down
the long slope up which we had come. Darkness was falling, but I
could still see the Tripod there. Was it really possible that I had
killed it? I could begin to appreciate the enormity of what I had
done , now so much with pride as with wonder. The unchallenged, impregnable
masters of the earth -- and my right hand had smashed it into death.
I thought I knew how David had felt when he saw Goliath topple in the dust
of the valley of Elah.
Beanpole said,
His voice did
not generally tell one much, but there was alarm it in. I said, "Where?"
"To the west."
He pointed.
In the far distance something moved. The familiar, hateful shape
heaved itself over the skyline, followed by a second and a third.
They were a long way off yet, but the Tripods were coming.
Open this book,
and journey with Will, Henry, and Beanpole on a quest to free their world
and discover themselves.
Noelle Cottrell <> |
Robots -- Fiction. |
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