Nancy Keane's Booktalks -- Quick and Simple

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Brooks, Kevin.
New York : Scholastic, 2007
ISBN 0439899737
Click on the book to read Amazon reviews
We all know what the human body looks like on the inside, right? (show picture of human anatomy)
But what if this isn't true?
What if you had the chance to see inside of yourself and it turns out not to look anything like what you've always believed it would look like?
Robert Smith was having stomach problems.
He was scheduled for a routine procedure to determine what was causing his pain.
No big deal.
He would be given a light anesthetic, they would insert a probe down his throat into his stomach, look around, take some pictures or videos and then he'd be able to go back to his normal life.
Only that's not what happened.
He remembers the needle administering the anesthetic and then darkness.
The next thing he knew, he was hearing voices.
Muffled at first and then louder and more anxious:
"Let me see those pictures again.
My God, what is that?"
Robert couldn't move, but he could hear everything going on around him.
"That is what is inside of this boy's body."
"But, what is it?  It looks like some kind of plastic."
Hold on a minute, rewind it.
Look, what is that?
What are those silvery things?
My God, they are moving!
I've never seen anything like this!"
Someone leaned over him and whispered, "What in the world are you?"
There was complete silence for a brief moment.
Then:  "Open him up!  Cut that thing open right now!"
Robert had never known his parents, he'd grown up in orphanages and foster homes.
Other than that he'd considered himself a normal sixteen-year old.
That was until this procedure.
Until he heard himself being referred to as a 'thing'.
So, who is he?
More importantly, what kind of a Being was he?
Judging from the reaction of the people in the room, he knows that he is the only person he will be able to trust to find those answers.
His plan:  as soon as he can move, he is going to jump off of the gurney, grab the gun from the man who seems so determined to have him opened up, and start looking for answers!  (Virginia Wright,, librarian)
SUBJECTS:     Identity -- Fiction.
                        Suspense fiction.
                        Psychological fiction.

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