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Brewster, Hugh
New York : Hyperion Books, 1996.
IL 5-8 RL 5.9
ISBN 0786802928

This is a book about a little girl who lived in the early 1900's. Anastasia was the daughter of Nicholas II who was czar of Russia. She lived the life of royalty. This book contains photographs taken by the royal family and adds information taken from diaries and writings from them. The book tells the story of this young lady's life. For more than 80 years, the story of Anastasia was a mystery. This book tells us the true story of Grand Duchess Anastasia. The epilogue of the book tells the story surrounding the mystery of Anastasia's disappearance in 1918.

SUBJECTS:       Anastasia Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess, daughter of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1901-1918.
                        Princesses -- Russia.


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