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Bedard, Michael.
New York : Tundra Books, 2002.
ISBN 0887766021
Have any of you ever hidden out rather than do something you didn't want to do?  Maybe chores around the house?  Maybe music lessons?  Well, that's what Charles decides to do. He doesn't want to go to piano lessons so he hides out at St. Bartholomew's Church figuring no one would find him there.  But then one of the stained glass windows breaks.  Charles finds a young girl under the shards of glass.  The girl is confused and can't seem to remember anything about her past.  Charles becomes intrigued and is determined to help the girl find out about her past.  But where will their journey take them?
SUBJECTS:     Homeless persons -- Fiction.
                        Church buildings -- Fiction.
                        Mystery and detective stories.


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