Armstrong, Jennifer and Nancy
; 2)
New York : HarperCollins,
ISBN 0060294124
children have been traveling for a long time now. When Teacher consults
The Book, it is decided that they will head for the river and find the
highway. When they reach the river, they discover the bridge has
been damaged and it looks like they will need to come up with a new plan.
The River! Of course. If they can find a boat, they can use
the river to travel. It will bring them out to the ocean and closer
to their goal -- Washington! They must see the President, if he is
still alive. They need to know what happened 5 years ago during the
Fire-Us. The grown ups had died and then many children died because
they had no one to look after them. These children have survived
and now have teamed up with other children to travel North. Then
a miracle happens. They find a group of grown ups. They are
living in a Mall and have plenty of food and provisions. The
children can't believe their luck. Now they have someone to look
out for them and make their lives a bit easier. Or do they?
Are things as they seem to be? Why does it seem that the grown ups
have something else in mind? |
Survival -- Fiction.
Science fiction. |
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