New York : Puffin Books, 2001.
ISBN 0141312270
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you ever had strong feelings or emotions, but you couldn't express them?
Either because you didn't have the words or you had the words, but no one
to listen? Mindy’s mother is dying of a brain tumor.
She doesn't know how to deal with all of the emotions bottled up inside
of her. Before they found out how sick her mother was, Mindy was
impatient with her and thought she was being overly dramatic about the
severity of the pain she was experiencing. Everything her mother
said or did rubbed her the wrong way and she let her know it.
In short, as her friend put it—she was acting like a teenager. But
now, when she wants to tell her mother how sorry she is, it’s too late.
Now that she's ready to hear what her mother has to say, her mother can't
say it. Now that she wants her mother's opinion to help her decide
on colleges, she can't give it. Her mother’s body is there, but her
mother is gone. The woman who was once so full of words is
now empty. Just like their house. Even when Mindy’s dad is
there the house is empty. He cannot bring himself to acknowledge
what is happening to her mother. He won't allow Mindy to Say it Out
Loud. She needs so desperately to be heard, to be able to express
what she is feeling and thinking.
Joan Abelove has written a wrenching story about a young girl who is loosing
her mother to a terrible disease. When you read it, you will think about
when was the last time you really listened to the people who mean the most
to you? When was the last time you really heard what they had to say or
shared with them what was on your mind? When was the last time you
told them that you loved them? (Virginia Wright,,
Tuscarawas County Public Library, New Philadelphia, OH) |
Mothers and daughters -- Fiction.
Fathers and daughters -- Fiction.
Death -- Fiction.
Jews -- United States -- Fiction. |
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