
A is for Aunty, Elaine Russell
Baby Boomsticks, Margaret Wild
and David Legge (ill.)
Boom Town by Sonia Levitin
Castle on Viola Street, A--DiSalvo-Ryan,
City green--DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne
Coming to America by Eve Bunting
Finding the green stone--Walker,
First Day, Margaret Wild and Kim
Gamble (ill.)
Franklin's Neighborhood by Paulette
Guess the Baby, Simon French and
Donna Rawlins (illustrator)
Hooway for Wodney Wat by Helen
I got community--Cooper, Melrose
It takes a village--Cowen-Fletcher,
Larky Mavis by Brock Cole
Madelenka by Peter Sis
Memorial, Gary Crew and Shaun
Tan (ill.)
Merry Christmas Festus and Mercury
by Sven Nordqvist.
My Place, Nadia Wheatley and Donna
Rawlins (ill.)
Nine for California by Sonia Levitin
Old Henry by Joan Blos.
On my street--Merriam, Eve
One step, two...--Zolotow, Charlotte
Rudi's Pond by Eve Bunting
Sidewalk trip--Hubbell, Patricia
Smoky Eve Bunting
Somebody Loves you, Mr. Hatch
by Eileen Spinelli
Stop that ball!--McClintock, Mike
The Boy Who Stuck Out His Tongue
by Edith Tarbescu
The Long March, Mary-Louise Fitzpatrick
The Papunya School Book of Country
and History, Papunya School
The Philharmonic Gets Dressed
by Karla Kuskin
The Village of Round and Square
Houses by Ann Grifalconi
Uptown by Collier
We Are All in the Dumps with Jack
and Guy by Maurice Sendak
Wednesday's Surprise, by Eve Bunting
Weslandia by Paul Fleischman
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| Last Updated: November 23, 2004 | Copyright
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