Plays and books

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's
Court - The Seeing Stone (Crossley-Holland)
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Puck
of Pook's Hill (Kipling) - King of Shadows by Susan Cooper
Alice in Wonderland - Coraline
by Neil Gaiman
Arcadia - What Became of Her by
m.E. Kerr, Love Among the Walnuts by jean Ferris
Dracula - The Silver Kiss by Annette
Curtis Klaus
Equus - To Ride the God's Own
Stallion by Diane Lee Wilson
Hamlet - Heathrow Nights (Mark),
The Shakespeare Stealer (Blackwood) - The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
Into The Woods- something from
our Fractured Fairy-tale list
Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and
Grill - Born Blue by Han Nolan
Les Miserables - Cosette: the
Sequel to Les Miserables - a grown-up book (Kalpakian)
Oedipus Rex - Fade by Robert Cormier,
Holes by Louis Sachar
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Cut, Patricia McCormick, America, E.R. Frank; I Never Promised YOu a
Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg, Stop Pretending by Sonya Sones
Othello - Othello by Julius Lester
Peter Pan - Night Flying, The
Adventure of Blue Avenger by Norma Howe
Spoon River Anthology - Witness
by Karen Hesse, The Brimstone Journals by Ron Koertge
St. Joan - Young Joan by Barbara
Dana, The Dove and the Sword by nancy Garden
The Crucible - Witch Child (and
its sequel)
The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne
Frank and Me by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld, When We Were Free by
julia Alvarez
The Elephant Man - Stuck in Neutral
by Terry Trueman
The Grapes of Wrath - Out of the
Dust by Karen Hesse - Esperanza Rising, Pam Munoz Ryan
The House of Bernarda Alba- Like
Water For Chocolate,by Laura Esquivel
The Importance of Being Earnest
- Tribes by Arthur Slade, Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging
The Lower Depths - Smack by Melvin
Burgess, The Contender by Robert Lipsyte, The boxer by Katharine Karr,
Ashes of Roses by Mary Joan Auch
The Merchant of Venice - Daughter
of Venice by Donna Jo Napoli- A Nice Girl Like You, by Norma Johnston
The Music Man - The Foggy Bottom
Orchestra by Garrison Keiler
The Wind in the Willows - Redwall
by Brian Jacques
To Kill a Mockingbird - Mississippi
Trial 1955 by Chris Crowe, Tulsa Burning by Anna Myers
Two Sisters and a Piano - Before
We Were Free (Alvarez)
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| Last Updated: November 23, 2004 | Copyright
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