
- Brink, Carol Ryrie - Goody O'Grumpity
- Devlin, Wende - The Trouble With Henriette
- Edwards, Pamela Duncan - Livingston Mouse
- Ehlert, Lois. Growing Vegetable Soup
- Garland, Michael. The President and Mom's Apple Pie
- Gibala-Broxholm, Scott - Scary Fright, are you all Right?
- Hayward, Linda - Baker, Baker, Cookie Maker
- Hill, Eric - Spot's Windy day & Other Stories
- Hines, Anna Grossnickle - Taste the Raindrops
- Hoopes, Lyn. The Unbeatable Bread
- Karim, Roberta - Mandy Sue Day
- Kilgras, Heidi - Peanut
- Langreuter, Jutta - Little Bear Brushes his Teeth
- Lasky, Kathryn - Cloud Eyes
- Lin, Grace - The Ugly Vegetables
- Moncure, Jane Belk - A Whiff & a Sniff
- Morgan-Vanroyen, Mary - Curious Rosie
- Murphy, Mary - You Smell: & Taste & Feel & see &
- Petty, Kate - What's That Smell?
- Poulet, Virginia - Blue bug to the Rescue
- Reiser, Lynn. My Dog Truffle
- Rylant, Cynthia - Henry & Mudge & the Starry Night
- Slonim, David - Oh, Ducky!
- Steig, William - Doctor DeSoto
- Stephens, Monique Z. - The Berrylicious Bake-Off
- Tekavec, Heather - What's That Awful Smell?
- Topek, Susan Remick - A Taste for Noah
- Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth - A Taste of Honey
- Wellington, Monica. Mr. Cookie Baker
- Weston, Tamson - Hey, Pancakes!
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