If You Liked Aquamarine...

    Allende, Isabel
    City of the Beasts
    When fifteen-year-old Alexander Cold accompanies his individualistic grandmother on an expedition to find a humanoid Beast in the Amazon River Valley, he experiences ancient wonders and a supernatural world of magic realism as he tries to avert disaster for the Indians. 406 p. 2002

    Black, Holly
    Tithe : a Modern Faerie Tale
    Sixteen-year-old Kaye, who has been visited by faeries since childhood, discovers that she herself is a magical faerie creature with a special destiny. 310 p. 2002

    Thesman, Jean
    Charlotte finds that family friends and the forest near their home are “otherworldly” … and so is her adoptive brother.  Will he choose their way or come back to reality with Charlotte?
    The Other Ones
    High school sophomore Bridget Raynes has to decide whether or not to accept her powers of witchcraft, or abandon them and try to fit in as an ordinary teenager.

    Block, Francescia Lia
    Rose and the Beast
    The author of Weetzie Bat doesn’t retell fairy tales – she reinvents them.  Would you recognize Little Red Riding Hood on a bus out of L.A?  Are you sure Snow White wanted to be rescued by the prince?  Dive into Block’s magical worlds and try to decipher what story comes from what classic fairy tale.

    Block, Francescia Lia
    Jealous of her perfect mother and ignored by her artist father, Echo seeks attention and healing from a variety of people living in beautiful Los Angeles.

    McKinley, Robin and Peter Dickinson
    Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits
    Two authors tell stories of mythological and fantastical water beings.

    Almond, David
    Unhappy about his baby sister's illness and the chaos of moving into a dilapidated old house, Michael retreats to the garage and finds a mysterious stranger who is something like a bird and something like an angel.

    Napoli, Donna Jo
    In order to gain immortal life, the mermaid Sirena must find a human man who will love her.  After meeting a young sailor, she must decide if he truly loves her, or if he is bewitched by her siren’s song.  Will the two live happily ever after – as he grows old day by day and she stays forever young?
    Just how did Rapunzel end up in the tower?  And what happened to her once she got out?  This book looks at who she really was: a carefree girl before the tower, a woman on the brink of insanity once she was in it.  How does she cope?  What keeps her going?  What did she have to live for once she got out?

    Nix, Garth
    When her father is kidnapped and held in the Land of the Dead, Sabriel must leave school and venture into the Old Kingdom to rescue him, but faces many challenges along the way and meets an interesting young prince who spent the last two centuries as a wooden statue.  Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr and Abhorsen are sequels.

    Gaiman, Neil
    Have you ever felt like no one listens to what you say?  Since no one seems to care what she does, Coraline takes to exploring her new home.  One of the things she finds is a mysterious door that leads to her own house --- but eerily different.  There, she finds her “other mother” who offers all kinds of good things, but actually has some sinister plans, which Coraline quickly uncovers.  When she returns home to find her real parents trapped behind a mirror, Coraline snaps into action, trying to outsmart the button-eyed other mother so set on keeping her for herself.

    Vande Velde, Vivian
    Companions of the Night
    When sixteen-year-old Kerry Nowicki helps a young man escape from a group of men who claim he is a vampire, she finds herself faced with some bizarre and dangerous choices.

    Kindl, Patrice
    Owl in Love
    A fourteen-year-old girl, who can transform into an owl, has a crush on her science teacher which leads her into interesting new relationships with both humans and owls.

    Rita Murphy
    Night Flying
    As the time for her solo flight on the sixteenth birthday approaches, Georgia begins to question the course of her life and her relationships with the other women in her unusual family.

    Goobie, Beth
    Before Wings

    Donoghue, Emma
    Kissing the Witch,
    A collection of thirteen interconnected stories that give old fairy tales a new twist.

    McKinley, Robin
    Rose Daughter and Beauty
    Kind Beauty grows to love the Beast at whose castle she is compelled to stay and through her love releases him from the spell which had turned him from a handsome prince into an ugly beast.

    Ferris, Jean
    Once Upon a Marigold
    A young man with a mysterious past and a penchant for inventing things leaves the troll who raised him, meets an unhappy princess he has loved from afar, and discovers a plot against her and her father.
    Love Among the Walnuts
    Born and raised in isolation in a wealthy, eccentric family, Sandy is shocked when he, his parents, and their servants become victims of a vicious plot by his greedy uncles to incapacitate them and take their money.

    Levine, Gail Carson
    Ella Enchanted
    Ella struggles against the childhood curse that forces her to obey any order given to her.

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