Immigration (General)
- Blaine, Marge. Dvora's Journey. (Fic, 126p., 6+)
- Hartmann, Edward. American Immigration. (Non-Fic, 5-8)
- Hesse, Karen. Letters from Rifka. (Fic, 148p., 6+)
- Jacobs, W. Ellis Island: New Hope in a New Land. (Non-
Fic, 40p., 2-5)
- Kherdian, David. Root River Run. (Autobio, 160p., 6)
- Kraus, J. Tall Boy's Journey. (Fic, 48p., 2-5)
- Levitin, S. Silver Days. (Fic, 192p., 5+)
- Lim, Sing. West Coast Chinese Boy. (Autobio, 64p., 4-
- Mayerson, E. The Cat Who Escaped from Steerage. (Fic,
64p., 4-6)
- Meltzer, Milton. Chinese Americans. (Non-Fic, 181p.,
- Meltzer, Milton. Jewish Americans: A History in Their Own
Words, 1650-1950. (Non-Fic, 174p., 5+)
- Meltzer, Milton. Jews in America: A Picture Album.
(Non-Fic, 169p., 5+)
- Meltzer, Milton. Starting from Home: A Writer's
Beginnings. (Autobio, 145p., 6)
- Park, R. Playing Beatie Bow. (Fic/Fant, 204p., 5-9)
- Shefelman, J. A Peddler's Dream. (Fic, 32p., 1-5)
- Siegel, Beatrice. Sam Ellis's Island. (Non-Fic, 128p.,
- Skurzynski, G. Good-bye, Billy Radish. (Fic, 138p., 5+)
- Stanek, Muriel. We Came from Vietnam. (Non-Fic, 46p.,
- Yee, P. Tales from Gold Mountain. (Fic, 64p., all)
- Yep, Laurence. The Star Fisher. (Fic, 160-., 3+)
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