"Must-haves" (Middle
School Library)

Recommended by members of
1984: a novel, Orwell, George
A girl of the Limberlost, Stratton-Porter,
A tale of two cities, Dickens,
A tree grows in Brooklyn, Smith,
A wizard of Earthsea, Le Guin,
Ursula K.
A wrinkle in time, L’Engle, Madleine
Anne Frank: the diary of a young
girl, Falstein, Mark
Bearstone, Hobbs, Will
Bridge to Terabithia, Paterson,
Christy, Marshall, Catherine
Dicey’s song, Voigt, Cynthia
Ella enchanted, Levine, Fail Carson
Ender’s game, Card, Orson Scott
Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury, Ray
Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s
stone, Rowling, J. K.
Hatchet, Paulsen, Gary
Hiroshima, Hersey, John
Holes, Sachar, Louis
Homecoming, Voigt, Cynthia
Jane Eyre, Bronte, Charlotte
Just Ella, Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Little women, Alcott, Louisa May
Lord of the flies: a novel,
Golding, William
Lost horizon, Hilton, James
Night, Wiesel, Elie
Of mice and men, Steinbeck, John
Petey, Mikaelsen, Ben
Roll of thunder, hear my cry,
Taylor, Mildred D.
Stargirl, Spinelli, Jerry
Summer of my German soldier, Greene,
Survival in Auschwitz: the
Nazi assault on humanity, Levi, Primo
Tangerine, Bloor, Edward
The call of the wild, London,
The chocolate war, Cormier, Robert
The circuit: stories from
the life of a migrant child, Jiminez, Francisco
The coffin quilt: the feud
between the Hatfields and the McCoys, Rinaldi, Ann
The exchange student, Gilmore,
The giver, Lowry, Lois
The golden compass, Pullman, Philip
The grapes of wrath, Steinbeck,
The heart is a lonely hunter,
McCullers, Carson
The hobbit, or, There and back
again, Tolkein J. R. R.
The Joy Luck Club, Tan, Amy
The light in the forest, Richter,
The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe,
Lewis, C. S.
The lord of the rings, Tolkien,
J. R. R.
The machine gunners, Westall,
The Outsiders, Hinton, S. E.
The perfect storm: a true
story of men against the sea, Junger, Sebastian
The poisonwood Bible: a
novel, Kingsolver, Barbara
The Scarlet Pimpernel, Orczy Emmuska,
Orczy, Baroness
The secret garden, Burnett, Frances
The squire’s tale, Morris, Gerald
The true confessions of Charlotte
Doyle, Avi
The wanderer, Creech, Sharon
The yearling, Rawlings Marjorie
To kill a mockingbird, Lee, Harper
Watership Dow, Adams, Richard
When the legends die, Borland,
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