Handicapped (Picture

Adler, David A. Lou Gehrig: The
Luckiest Man. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace, 1997.
Balancing Girl
Rabe............... 1st grader in wheel chair.
Be Good to Eddie Lee
Be Good to Eddie Lee
Fleming.........Eddie w.Down's shares adv.w.Christy(Pri)*
Be Good to Eddie Lee -- he has
down syndrome
Bonnett Stein, Sara. About Handicaps:
An Open Family Book for Parents and Children Together. New York: Walker
and Company, 1974.
Button in Her Ear
Litchfield.......... Limited hearing. NF (1-3)Whitman (Concept Books)
Cakes and Miracles
Goldin............... Blind Hershel has special gifts (Pri)
Carlson. Arnie and the New Kid.
Viking, 1990.
Carlson. Here Comes Kate! Steck-Vaughn,
Caseley, Judith. Harry and
Willy and Carrothead. New York: Greenwillow, 1991. Summary: Harry
is born without a left arm. Happy and normal in every way, he enters
school with a prosthetic arm. Harry and Oscar, who is teased because
of his red hair, become good friends. When Harry defends Oscar against
Willy's teasing, all three become friends.
Charlip, Remy. Handtalk Birthday:
a number and storybook in sign language. New York: Four Winds Press, 1987.
Cohen, Mirian. See You Tomorrow,
Charles. New York: Greenwillow, 1983.
Different and Alike
McConnell........ Disabled struggle; yet resemble all. (Pri)
Dobkin. Just a Little Different.
Children's Press, 994. (Rookie Reader)
Don't Feel Sorry for Paul, by
Bernard Wolf. Nonfiction, great photographs - about a boy born with
only partial legs and arms.
Fanshawe, Elizabeth. Rachel. Scarsdale,
NY: Bradbury Press, 1975.
Fassler, Joan. Howie Helps Himself.
Chicago: Whitman, 1975.
Friends in the Park
Bunnett.........Children, some disabled, spend day in park. RL 2
Friends in the Park
a number of disabilities represented
Grandma's Walk Hines.................
Grandma in wheelchair "walks". (K-3)
Great Uncle Alfred Forgets
Shecter............ Alzheimer's. (K-3)*
Gregory, Nan. How Smudge Came.
Red Deer, Alta: Red Deer College Press, 1995.
Growl When You Say R
Stanek..............Speech problem. JH. Whitman (Concept Books)
Handmade Alphabet
Rankin............... Sign Language. (Pri)*
Handtalk Zoo
Ancona............Sign Language. Photos. (K-3)*
Handtalk: an ABC of Finger
Charlip.............. Sign Language. Photos. (Pri)
Harry and Willy and Carrothead_,
by Judith Caseley. [Greenwillow, 1991] Harry was born with part of his
left arm missing, and wears a prothesis. It's a great story, and
the kids love it. (It's a picture book).
Harshman. The Storm. Cobblehill,
Howie Helps Himself" [by Joan
Fassler. Albert Whitman, 1987]
I'm Deaf, and It's Okay
[Lorraine Aseltine, Albert Whitman, 1987.]
It's Charles!
Visually handicapped
Jenny's Magic Wand
Visually handicapped
Jensen, Virginia Allen. Catching:
A Book for Blind and Sighted Children with Pictures to Feel as well as
to See. New York: Philomel Books, 1983.
Keats, Ezra Jack. Apt. 3. New
York: Macmillan Co., 1971.
Kids on the Block by Barbara Aiello,
though it is geared for intermediate readers rather than primary.
Knots on a Counting Rope
Martin, Bill........ Indian grandpa and blind grandson.(K-3)*
Lasker, Joe. Nick Joins In. Chicago:
Albert Whitman & Company, 1980.
Lester, Helen. Hooway for
Wodney Wat. published by Scholastic, recommended to me by someone on this
list when I asked for a book to assist with a speech-impared child.
Listen for the Bus: David's Story
McMahon........ Blind child. (K-3)*
Litchfield, Ada B. A Button in
Her Ear. Chicago: Albert Whitman & Company, 1976.
Mackinnon, Christy. Silent
Observer. Washington D.C: Kendall Green, 1993. Summary:
Christy was born in 1889 and became deaf after a childhood illness.
As part of a large family on the family farm, she learned to communicate
with signs and special help from her sister who was also hearing impaired.
Eventually a neighbor, Alexander Graham Bell, tested her hearing and recommended
that she be enrolled in a special school for the deaf in Halifax, where
she met Helen Keller. She became an notable illustrator, and this
story and illustrations were found among her things after her death.
MacLachlan, Patricia. Through
Grandpa's Eyes. New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
Mama Zooms
Cowen-F........... Mother in wheelchair.
Mama Zooms. [Jane Cowan-Fletcher.
Scholastic pb, 1996.] A short picture book. Clever pictures give hints
but don't reveal the wheelchair until towards the end.
Millman, Isaac. Moses Goes
to a Concert. New York: Farrar, 1998. Summary: Moses and his class,
all deaf, attend a children's concert where they experience the music with
balloons in their laps in order to feel the vibrations. A deaf percussionist
performs with the orchestra. That night Moses tells his parents about
the experience in signed English. Inserted into many pages are blocks
that show the ASL symbols for some of the words, as well as the signed
alphabet on the last page.
Moccasin Goalie Brownridge............
Danny plays hockey despite disability. (K-3)*
Moon, Nicola. Lucy's Picture.
New York: Dial, 1994. Summary: In a preschool setting, a young girl
is asked to paint a picture. She decides to make a picture for her grandfather.
Instead of paint, she fashions paper, fabric, leaves, sand, feathers, and
even her own hair into a three-dimensional collage. We discover that
her grandfather is blind.
Moore, Eva. Buddy: The First
Seeing Eye Dog. New York: Scholastic, 1996. Summary: A factual
account of the development of The Seeing Eye, a program in NJ that trains
dogs to guide people who are blind. After reading of a school in
Germany to train dogs to guide blinded soldiers, Dorothy Eustis adopted
the technique and began training dogs. Her first dog was teamed with
a blind American, Morris Frank. Coming to America, Buddy and his
owner became famous. In easy reader format.
My Buddy Osofsky.......
"This is a good one." Dog helps child w. muscular dystrophy (K-3)*
My First Book of Sign
Baker.................Sign Language. Gallaudet pub. (Pri)*
My Friend Jacob
Clifton, L........... 8 yr-old's friendship w.retarded teen.
My Friend Leslie
Rosenberg....... Multi-handicapped
child in K. Photos (Pri)
Nick Joins In
Lasker............... Nick in wheelchair starts school. (K-3)*
Our Brother Has Down's Syndrome
Cairo, S.......... Photos. Three sisters show life
with their brother, 1985 (K-3)*
Our Teacher's in a Wheelchair
Powers............. Male day care teacher. Photos. (Pri)*
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse. I
have a Sister, My Sister is Deaf. New York: Harper & Row
Picture Book of Helen Keller
Adler, D............. Blind and deaf. BIOG.(1-3)*
Pridmore, Saxby. Julia, Mungo,
and the earthquake: A Story for Young People About Epilepsy. New York:
Maninatioin Press, 1991.
See You Tomorrow, Charles
Cohen, M......... Blind 1st grader. Ill.Lillian Hoban. (K-3)*
Seeing Stick Yolen,
J............ Blind girl in ancient China. (1-4)
Talking to Angels
Watson........ Author's autistic sister. (K-3)*
The Balancing Girl by Rabe - the
main character is in a wheelchair - very nice story
The Berenstain Bears and the Wheelchair
The Serendipity series [I think
this is a series mostly by Stephen Cosgrove, easy readers, each having
a moral, many on differences and also conflict resolution. Price,
Stern & Sloan.]
Thinking Big
Kuklin 8 yr-old dwarf. Photos. BIOG. (2-5)
Through Grandpa's Eyes
MacLachlan..... Blind grandpa "sees". (1-5)*
Very Special Critter
Mayer, M........... Physical & mental disabilities.
We Can Do It!
Dwight, L.......... Photos of 5 disabled children. (RL 2)*
When Smudge Came*. [How
Smudge Came. Nan Gregory.] It is a picture book about a girl (Cindy) with
Down's who finds a puppy and tries to keep it only to discover that puppies
are not allowed in her group home. The best thing about this book is that
we only know about Cindy's mental disability through the illustrations
- it is only hinted in her speech patterns and her daily routine.
Where's Chimpy?
Rabe, B............. Down's Syndrome. Pre-school
Wolf, Bernard. Anna's Silent World.
Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Company, 1977.
Wolf, Bernard. Don't Feel Sorry
for Paul. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Company, 1974.
Wolf, Bernard. HIV Positive. New
York: Dutton Children's Press, 1997.
Yolen, Jane. The Seeing Stick.
New York: Crowell, 1977.
Young, Hellen. What Difference
does it Make, Danny? London: Andre Deutsch, 1980.
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