PO Box 85103
San Diego CA 92186-9932
(619) 297-8032
9 issues
$24.95 per year (discount for ordering 2 or 3 years)
Art lessons geared towards elementary art teachers.
School Arts
50 Portland Street
PO Box 15015
Worcester MA -1615-9959
9 issues
$24.50 per year, again discounts for ordering 2-3 years
Elementary, Middle, and High School lessons.
Scholastic Art (used to be Art & Man)
PO Box 3710
Jefferson City, MO 65102-3710
Similiar to the "Weekly Reader", (I order just the teacher's issue, which comes with a poster), published 6 times during school year
Crayola Dreammakers
(You can find the ordering information on their website http://www.crayola.com - click on dream makers link)
This teacher's guide is only $3 and comes with booklets on ideas for different art products, lesson ideas, and full color art reproductions - sometimes in postcard format, sometimes posters. Unfortunately, this fantastic resource only comes out every two years.