
A Horse Called Mystery by Marjorie
Abby Malone. by Shelley
Black Horses for the King by Anne
Blind Beauty by K. M. Peyton,
Bonnie books by Barbara Van Tuyl
Dancer. by Shelley Peterson.
Dark Horse Barnaby, by Marjorie
Dick Francis books
Fly-by-Night by K.M. Peyton
Follyfoot books by Monica Dickens
Ghost Stallion by Laura E. Williams
Gib and the Gray Ghost. by Zilpha
Keatley Snyder
Gib Rides Home. by Zilpha Keatley
Heartland" by Lauren Brooke.
HORSE HEAVEN. by Jane Smiley
I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade,
by Diane Lee Wilson.
Lucky Lady by Susan Saunders
Lynn Hall books
Meet The Malones by Lenora Mattingly
Monica Edwards' books
My Friend Flicka
National Velvet,
Pine Hollow series by Bonnie Bryant
Race the Wind by Chris Platt
(sequel to Willow King)
Runaway Radish by Jesse Haas
Seabiscuit, by Laura Hillenbrand.
Sky Rider by Nancy Springer
Snow Ponies by Cynthia Cotten,
Illustrated by Jason Cockcroft
StableMates series by Nikki Tate.
The Arizona Kid by Ron Koertge
The Blind Colt, by Glen Rounds
The First Horse I see by Sally
The Horse & his Boy from C.S
Lewis's Narnia chronicles
The Quicksand Pony by Alison Lester
The Red Colt, by Julie Marie Caracci.
The Red Pony by Steinbeck
The Saddle Club series
The Silver Brumby by Elyse Mitchell
The Snow Pony by Alison Lester
The Team by K.M. Peyton
To Ride The Gods' Own Stallion
by Diane Lee Wilson.
Unbroken by Jessie Haas
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| Last Updated: November 23, 2004 | Copyright
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