Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds.  Saving Shiloh.  New York :  Antheneum, 1997.  Reviewed by Grant T., Rundlett Middle School.

It's about a kid named Marty and his dog named Shiloh, who's a beagle.  It takes place in the mountains of West Virginia at Halloween.  Marty has a mean neighbor named Judd Travers who is suspected of murder.  He is a mean man and once killed one of his dogs.A man who had once had a fight with Judd is found dead and Judd is the main suspect.  Marty is afraid that Judd might hurt Shiloh because he used to own Shiloh and abuse him.  The story is about how Marty and his friends investigate Judd by sneaking around the back yard.

November 2000

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