Grimms Fairy Tales : Great Illustrated Collection  Reviewed by Megan K., Rundlett Middle School.



I read Sleeping Beauty. It's about and King and a Queen that own a big kingdom.  They were very happy but knew that they would be happier if they had a child.  Just as they are about to give up, the Queen has a baby daughter.  They named her after the sunset.  They had a big feast.  They invited seven fairies.  The King put a present under the napkin of each of the fairies.  Every fairy got a golden box that had a knife, fork and spoon in it.  Another fairy showed up uninvited.  The King said he was sorry but he didn't know the other fairy.  He didn't have any extra boxes left.  The fairy said if the King had no present for her, she would put a curse over his daughter.  The fairy put a curse on her that she would get pricked by a spinning needle but didn't say when.

November 2000

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